CSR Stakeholder Engagement

In Our Philosophy, which is part of the Group's Corporate Philosophy, we define "collaborative effort focused on communication" and "integrity" as a means to achieve Our Mission.

We maintain a constructive dialogue with our shareholders and investors as often as we can, and disclose company information in a timely and appropriate manner that serves as a basis for such dialogue.

List of stakeholders and groups and contact methods

◇ Customers (call centers, surveys, websites, etc.)

◇ Shareholders and investors (General Meeting of Shareholders, results briefings, websites, interviews, etc.)

◇ Suppliers (procurement activities, CSR audits, CSR procurement briefings, etc.)

◇ Regional communities (on-site lectures, plant tours, social contribution, etc.)

◇ NPOs and NGOs (dialogue, etc.)

◇ Industry bodies (participation in industry bodies, etc.)

◇ Academic bodies and research institutions (research through industry-academia collaboration, etc.)

◇ Employees (helplines, Labor Councils, various forms of training, etc.)

The Company’s General Meeting of Shareholders

The Fujitsu General Group considers the Company’s General Meeting of Shareholders to be a valuable opportunity for communicating with shareholders. As a rule, these meetings are held on days that allow us to avoid the shareholders’ meetings of other companies as much as possible. A notice of convocation is sent out approximately 3 weeks prior to the date of the meeting. In addition, to enable shareholders to exercise their voting rights appropriately and smoothly, we support the exercise of voting rights via the Internet, participation in the electronic voting platform for institutional investors, and provision of the convocation notice (narrowly defined convocation notice and reference document for general meeting of shareholders) in English.

IR activities for analysts and institutional investors

The Fujitsu General Group strives to deepen investors’ understanding of its business through timely and appropriate information disclosure. We hold briefings on financial results and Medium-term Management Policies for analysts and institutional investors twice a year (in principle, in April and October), conduct individual interviews as appropriate, and also visit overseas investors as needed. We also hold press conferences when announcing our quarterly financial results so that the information can be communicated through the media.